
Posts Tagged ‘hail to the king’

(Sorry if I sound like an excited salesman, it’s just sheer excitment!)

I should get one of those for me, it looks nice!

I was supposed to do this a while ago and, well, since I don’t like to procrastinate –actually, I do, but end of the world and all that-, it’s best if I take this out of my chest:

2011 was oh my God Apocalypse is the year of gaming for computers, hands down. There. Sure, you could say “Oh but Steamworks is on PS3 now!”, or “Oh My God! Kinect for the X360!“, but that still wouldn’t change my mind. And yes, I am well aware that this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo. (E3 2011) still needs to happen, and my opinion still is resolute. Yes, Nintendo will most likely blow everyone’s mind like they did with the Wii and 3DS, and we’ll probably see yet another scripted presentation by Microsoft, and some more motion-failures by Sony.

God forbid we have another speech about there being no “competitive industry” and that “we are all gamers at heart”.
Also, he masqueraded quite well PSMove’s flaws:

But I have to admit, I do think we’re all gamers at heart, no matter the platform. It’s just that I’m more used to PC gaming.

Speaking of which, not only I was sure some titles wouldn’t fail to get on PC as soon as they were released, like Super Street Fighter IV and Fable III, but there are amazing games just this semester, including but not limited to!:

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Now, let’s assume you never, never played The Witcher. First of, I’d recommend it to you, strongly. Unless, of course, you dislike Computer RPGs mixed with some action and a mature (read: with sex and nude content) story filled with options. Fine, mainly three paths (Good, Neutral and Evil), but it made the game all that much better. That and the gameplay as a whole. When you play it, you’ll see what I’m talking about. And when you play The Witcher 2, you will not tell me what happens I haven’t played it yet God damn it!

But I can vouch for its integrity as it being an amazing game, truthful to Computer RPGs. Maybe not as open-minded or nonlinear in terms of choice as Baldur’s Gate II or Planescape: Torment, but still.

And here, a few, nice battle scenes from The Witcher 2:

Those graphics. Can’t wait to buy (“Gasp, you actually buy games!”) this gem!

Total War: Shogun 2

This. You can always expect good things from the Total War series, and Shogun was a game to remember! Back in the days, it was one hell of a strategy piece, making it an even more remarkable experience for any Total War fan. If you never played Shogun, rather, never played a Total War game, but like strategy ones, then that’s a shameful display of your overall knowledge and experience in the gaming world. Take a look at this siege battle from Shogun 2:

Sweet, and this one is definitely worth it!

Portal 2

Why am I –and will– speak of multi-platform games, such as this “piece of precious stone” right here called Portal 2? Because, contrary to popular belief, I think they shine the most on PC. Specially if the ones I talk about are developed first (or separately) for PC. Ported games, though, are another story. Try playing a rally racing game on your keyboard, it’s not as fun as it’s frustrating.

You obviously played Portal… Right? … No? Whoa. OK, fine, here if you own an nVidia GPU or here if you own an ATi GPU so you can get Portal’s First Slice (11 levels) and some other games. Now, on to Portal 2. Better gameplay, graphics, soundtrack, a compelling, amazing story and even better puzzles! Granted, the ones from the first game were pretty much straightforward, but now you have up to, if I recall correctly, six hours of solid Single Player! “Oh but that’s too little boo hoo.” well cheer up, because it has multi-player modes, challenge maps and an amazing co-op!

Anyway, this teaser makes me feel the chills every time, and with good reason:

That makes it, what, the third worth PC purchase so far? I haven’t even started on the games to be announced/released! Oh buoy.

Duke Nukem Forever

You, young reader who never played a Duke Nukem game, know nothing about how excited I was when I first saw the teaser. And when I looped it for the first ten times. So on, so on. Come on, it’s been on the making for over ten years! Thing is, Duke is your over-the-top typical american hero. Blonde, strong, proficient with any kind of weapon or fighting style and, more importantly, he doesn’t give one simple fuck about morals. At all. Which is exaggerated in Duke Nukem Forever, very much so.

Honestly, it can even seen stupid to most players, and it is! It’s stupid to the point where you’d feel shame in knowing this game will be played by many in a blissful way! And that’s the best part!! See, Duke was made to make fun of so many things that I can’t even begin to count. Which is one of the reasons why this game will be (yes, future, few weeks actually) truly amazing. In the very least.

Here, look at this. LOOK AT THIS:

Sure, the release date was pushed twice (it launches June 9th now, for sure), but I’m patient, I can wait.

Guess what: Dungeon Siege III

Yet another multi-platform game! You’re probably still wondering why I said “PC gaming” back then. You see, Dungeon Siege is almost an epic in computer gaming, destined to fill our lives with an excellent story, already present since Dungeon Siege I, and more action since Dungeon Siege II. If there’s one thing about this game series, it’s atmosphere. Seriously, you can’t play this and not get immersed in what’s happening, hell, even fear plays a factor in this game. And this series is specially fun due to its multi-player and co-op modes, which double the fun!

This video may not show much, but I am somewhat excited for this game, so check it out:

Until it’s release, though, I’ll just have to sit and wait.

Yes, it's Red Faction: Armageddon!

Wait. A new Red Faction game? You bet it is! Gameplay’s been improved, meaning this baby will present better destructive scenarios, more weapons, tools, enemies and an amazing concept, the Magnet Gun. It’s pretty much obvious what it does in the video below, but to simplify things: You can attract two objects with simple “shots” (clicks, rather), which means you can make the side of a building fly right into an alien, or make an alien soar through the terrain and collide against something, even another enemy! Red Faction‘s soundtrack never really attracted me, but this doesn’t mean it doesn’t set the mood for an amazing experience! To top it off, this’ll launch together with Duke Nukem Forever, if I’m not mistaken. Yes, June 9th will be a busy day for some of us.

I was going to mention three more games, but they’re so big in their story, depth (ok, one of them isn’t) and fame (so to speak), that I think they deserve special posts.

Not to say I won’t talk about motherfucking Duke Nukem Forever when it comes out, just so you know.

(I own none of the images/videos above)

Wondering if Valve will announce something at E3 just for fun,

Arthur Müller.

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