
Posts Tagged ‘pills’

(No, not about Left4Dead, sadly for some)

Watch out! Ceiling Louis

I’m here to talk about good things, really good things: the wonder of pills! You know, those things that make pain go away, make you sleep properly, make you happy and make pretty much anything (except for pancakes)! That aside, they can also work as a vitamin supplement, serve as headache-killers, blood-pressure controllers and many other things! That being said, why aren’t you taking your pills right this instant?

But the real question, however, would be: Why do you need them?

Ah Louis, always grabbing pills! Such a fun, smart and weapon-handy man!

We seem to be needing more pills with each passing day, which’s obviously a bad thing. But then again, how most of us function without them? Face it, that headache you have every day because of work and personal problems clearly can only go away with a magic pill. Your high blood pressure? Forget controlling your eating behaviors, what matters is a good, tricky pill to do the job and get you ready for more work in your long, not-tiresome-in-the-slightest day! Oh, but you also have trouble sleeping at night? You just can’t get a good night’s shuteye?? Then yes, you, my friend, need more and more pills to get you nice and cozy in your warm bed!

The reason we need these pills, actually, is because our days have become busier with the passing centuries. Back in the good, real good days, a man would just have to grab his axe, armor, shield and head down to the battlefield, while a woman would just stick with house and kids! Granted, not the most gender-equal of centuries, but a good one! Nowadays, we seem to take credit in sleeping less and less, “producing” (read: tweeting) more and working extra hours just because it “pays the bills”. Our wild capitalism, although bringing wonders of technology and so on, also brought us tons of reason to shorten our life-span a bit more, one of them being the ability to have a “better life”.

So, we sleep less, eat less, get more stressed and can’t seem to find a peaceful moment (aside from Saturday) to rest, but that’s for the sake of more money and a better life. Really? Few –rather, rare– are the cases I know of people who worked their asses off without sleeping at all and got to a position where they could do pretty much no work at all and earn so much money even Harry Enfield would be jealous. We kill ourselves each day with tiresome studies and works because, in reality, that’s just the way life is.

All you need, actually, is to guard yourself against some things. Do you feel a headache every time a problem approaches? Work on that, try to get more relaxed! As funny as it may sound, meditation helps wonders against that. How about your blood pressure? Just take notes of what you should and shouldn’t eat, try to walk a bit more if you can, avoid stress and you’re pretty much set! As for having trouble sleeping at night, try to go to bed earlier and, if possible, always on one specific time, every day. Eventually, your body will get used to that and then presto, you’re sleeping normally again!

But, considering our awfully busy life-style, you most definitely need pills! Check with your parents if you don’t take pills at least once a day, they most likely do, and that turned into a rather common thing, cultural even. Granted, some people need pills for medical purposes, but unless you can’t find a better way to work around that (like said above), that’s being as lazy as it gets. And this is coming from a very, very lazy person!

Hahahah, Louis can't get enough of these pills, right Louis? ... Louis? Louis!?

I admit it, I’m somewhat of a hypocrite when it comes to that, since I have –rather, I developed– what’d be classified as slight insomnia. Meaning, I have to tire myself as much as possible each and every day, otherwise I’ll just lie in bed, doing nothing for about one hour, until my body decides it’s enough and puts me down like a knocked-out loser in an MMA fight. That’d be easily solved if I took some pills right before lying down, yes. But then again, do I need to? According to what I said earlier, no, I don’t. Thing is, it’s within me that, although sleeping is a wonderful thing, it’s just a colossal waste of time! I could be sleeping instead of just staying awake, pretending that I’m doing something important. Get a proper rest and such. Or I could stay awake, browsing the internet and being obviously productive.

Then again, I’m willing to bet most of us are like that –and I’m also willing to bet most of you shook your heads in dismay the moment you read that last sentence-.

(I own none of the images/videos above, Louis or the magic pills)

Signing off to do some really boring, “productive” college work now,

Arthur Müller.

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